Demystifying Strategies for Call Tracking & Leadgen Management with Ping Post, Ping Tree & Host-and-Post

The pay-per-call industry is growing exponentially as businesses embrace PPC due to its higher conversion rates, customer spending, and retention.

With PPC continuing to grow in popularity, the industry is projected to reach a $12 billion valuation by 2025, with an annual growth rate of approximately 16%.

A recent episode of Phonexa’s Amplify webinar series hosted by Evan Weber (Founder of Publisher Finders) featured David Pickard (CEO of Phonexa UK) and Nareg Arakelian (Director of Operations at Profitise) as the three industry veterans analysed the latest trends in pay-per-call space.

The webinar provided a thorough exploration of PPC marketing as the trio delved deep into the strategies, trends, and technological advancements currently propelling the sector forward.

Here’s a summary of the pivotal insights discussed during the informative conversation.

Ideal Modality for Generating Traffic

Businesses thrive on inbound calls. Gone are the days of companies getting a bunch of lead forms and having to call people back to try to reach them. By driving inbound calls, businesses can connect consumers with call centres and achieve their objectives much faster.

To illustrate this point, Pickard cited a Forrester study which found that calls convert 30% faster than web leads, and they spend 28% more with a 28% higher retention rate. While these numbers indicate that spending money on generating calls instead of web leads is more beneficial, Pickard noted a trend of businesses pivoting toward generating both.

“We’re seeing the most success where clients are building hybrids, allowing the consumer to buy their product in the way that they want to buy it,” said Pickard. “Essentially, that is what Phonexa is trying to promote … take those warm consumers out of the marketplace as quickly as you can and track them as granularly as you can so you can go and reinvest in the things that are encouraging those positive conversion metrics.”

Pickard gave an example of working with clients who make substantial investments in web leads rather than focusing on calls.

“Sometimes it’s mind-blowing to tell them, ‘You just spent $50,000 on web leads last week – why don’t you just buy the calls instead?’” said Pickard. “If what you’re trying to do is actually speak to the customer, why don’t you allow them to call you? It’s surprising how many people don’t actually do that in the first place.”

In addition to neglecting to invest in calls, Pickard also explained that marketers often fail to track calls as effectively as they track web leads.

“A lot of people will track a web lead exponentially,” said Pickard. “They’ll track every little last detail to make sure that they’re optimising their advertising spend, but they don’t do it for calls; therefore, calls are getting treated unfairly in the marketplace when they’re not being tracked to the same level.”

3 Ways Calls Are Processed & Sold: Ping Post, Ping Tree & Host-and-Post 

Pickard shared insight into how calls are processed and sold to lead buyers through ping post, ping tree, or host-and-post by breaking down each method.

Ping Post

“The lead is sent into the marketplace in the form of a ping, so you’re using some level of customer data to ping that data into your marketplace in one go to give all of your advertisers a chance to review that customer and give them an opportunity in real-time to decide whether they want to acquire that customer,” said Pickard.

The ping post method allows advertisers to dynamically bid against each other by asynchronously pinging all the data to everyone at once. 

“The advanced routing is essentially quick matchmaking based on the campaign’s location and availability,” said Arakelian. “Now, when you go into that ping tree or when you go into the host-and-post, Phonexa has made it so easy for Profitise to take our business to the next level and continue scaling.”

Ping Tree

A ping tree is a distribution logic that offers more control and deliberation than a ping post.

“A ping tree is more of a one-by-one routing logic where you’re applying some kind of filtration initially and ranking your list of advertisers or buyers by a specific priority,” said Pickard. “It may be ranked by the price they’re prepared to pay, an advertiser of choice that you prefer 80% of your traffic goes to … or you may want to split test advertisers against each other to equally distribute calls between the two.”


Affiliates who aren’t technologically advanced in their lead management and call-tracking software typically go down the host-and-post route. 

Host-and-post is determined by people owning their offers by building their own pages, sales funnels, and traffic funnels and distributing those customers to an end user. This process often entails using a hybrid between a ping tree and a ping post to route the customer to the end destination.

Arakelian shared a real-world example of a key disadvantage of using a ping-tree model, particularly in the call space.

“As an account manager, if you aren’t keeping an eye on your overall system and the schedule is wrong and you send a call to the buyer or the advertiser and their call centre is down, you’re just sending them free calls at that point,” said Arakelian. “For a ping post model, if you don’t get a response back with a bid, that call isn’t going anywhere – especially if you have them in the bid price.”

Since implementing Call Logic, Phonexa’s call intelligence platform equipped with ping post capabilities, Profitise has significantly improved its reporting and grown its business model.

Are you looking to bolster the ROI from your pay-per-call efforts? Choose your subscription plan or book a demo to learn more about Phonexa’s inbound call management platform.

Enhancing Lead Conversion With AI Chatbots

Regarding the emergence of AI in performance marketing, Pickard detailed a hybrid approach to facilitating lead conversion that involves buying web leads to take customers out of the marketplace and then converting them into calls through an AI chatbot. Leads then engage with the chatbot based on API data it received from the form filled out by the customer.

“They’re taking the customer out of the marketplace and warming them up to keep pushing them down that sales funnel,” said Pickard. “And then the AI is essentially analysing when the customer – based on what they’re saying – is at the best moment to give that call to action using that API data they’ve received from the web lead to nurture that conversation.”

Cheque out Amplify’s latest webinar: How to Scale Lead Generation Across Calls by Automating & Enhancing Outreach with Conversational AI.

Ensuring Quality of Incoming Calls

With a high volume of inbound calls, it’s important to ensure that each call meets an advertiser’s criteria. Pickard outlined how Phonexa optimises the process based on numbers. The key is tracking everything – call outcomes, the source of the call, the route that call went through, which publisher did it come from, which IVR model did it go through, which buyer bought the lead, etc. – in real time.

“That’s one thing many forget to do because their system doesn’t track things in real time or it’s difficult to actually pull the stats quickly enough for whatever reason – multiple dashboards may be required to pull data from various places,” said Pickard. “First things first, try and put everything in one place so that you can actually follow everything in one easy process.”

Pickard stressed how crucial it is to give your decision makers and media buying teams the right data so they can differentiate what works best from what doesn’t.

“Give them the right data to say ‘This is what’s happening, go do more of the stuff that’s working and less of the stuff that’s not working.’ That’s the performance marketing logic, but it’s surprising how many systems don’t allow you to do all of that quickly,” said Pickard.

Spotting issues on the fly as they occur in real time allows marketers to focus more on optimising their processes. 

Robust fraud detection capabilities are also key to ensuring quality.

“We’ve got fraud detection set up to ensure that users aren’t living in a false economy,” said Pickard. “The numbers that they’re looking at are real numbers, the customers that they’re monitoring are real customers, doing the things they should be doing, coming from the places they should be coming from, and they’re not leaving themselves exposed to fraud.”

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How Affiliate Marketers Need To Consider New Niches

Finding your footing in affiliate marketing can be both exhilarating and daunting, especially when cultivating a dedicated audience from scratch. Fortunately, there are tried and true strategies that lay the foundation for scalable growth for affiliates exploring new niches. 

Jeannine Crooks, Partner Acquisition and Development Manager of global affiliate marketing platform Awin, joined Phonexa CMO Talar Malakian for an instalment of Phonexa’s Amplify webinar series to deliver a step-by-step breakdown of the key strategies necessary to establish a presence, engage a new audience, and to ultimately carve out a niche affiliate venture poised for success.

Let’s say you’re just starting out in a new niche, don’t have any traffic, and struggle to find an effective approach to building an audience. What do you do?

The insights shared during this enlightening conversation serve as a roadmap for newcomers and seasoned affiliates alike to navigate the intricacies of affiliate marketing in uncharted territory. 

Let’s unpack some of the key takeaways.

Determining Which Niche Is Right for Affiliates 

For affiliates looking to enter a new market, it’s imperative to thoroughly evaluate the niche’s revenue potential.

According to Crooks, there is a set of criteria to consider when analysing a market from an affiliate marketing perspective, beginning with assessing the traffic for that particular niche. This can be achieved by answering the following questions:

  • How many people are searching for keywords related to this niche?
  • How great is the longtail list of keywords? (e.g. car insurance for drivers with good credit instead of simply car insurance)
  • What kind of searches are being conducted?
  • Are people actively looking for this product? 

Crooks implores affiliates to do their homework before pursuing a specific market by keeping an eye on what the competition is doing. This helps pinpoint the best approach for entering a new market by seeing what competitors are doing, and what you can do differently.

“What can you bring that somebody else isn’t doing right now? Are you passionate about it and able to convey in your language and tone that this is a product you really believe in?” asked Crooks. “People are going to pick up on that, and they’re going to respond to it.”

Malakian summed this approach up perfectly.

“If you’re doing a competitive analysis, don’t do it to look back – do it to look forward,” said Malakian. “Ask ‘what is my path to achieving this without replicating what’s already been done.’”

Cheque out our comprehensive e-book, “How to Scale ROI Across Publishers & Partners: An Affiliate Network’s Guide,” to unlock the secrets to maximising ROI.

Establishing Affiliate Expertise

Learning and finding opportunities are intertwined when analysing the landscape of a particular niche.

During the process, you’re also learning a lot about the product and educating yourself, sometimes around something that you don’t really have expertise in. Therefore, affiliates and publishers must become expert learners in order to extract that information, understand it, and then deliver captivating content.

“I’m a big proponent of really getting to know your [niche] … you need to have inherent knowledge of the product,” said Crooks. “Take enough time to really know that product to where you can go and have a conversation with a salesman and [educate them] about it – then you’re ready to start pursuing a niche.”

By educating yourself and establishing expertise, you’ll be better prepared to identify which merchants you want to work with and differentiate who’s selling good products that solve a need and who’s just selling anything.

Establishing a rapport with your audience is key to thriving as an affiliate. It’s crucial for your consumers to trust you, knowing they can rely on your recommendations and seek your advice whenever they encounter challenges – they’re looking for effective solutions.

“It’s important for you to know and understand what [their] challenges are, the right products or services for whatever the challenge is, and where to research to find that [information],” said Crooks.

Engaging a New Audience

The conversation spotlighted essential strategies affiliates can employ to build and engage a new audience. 

Crooks suggests that new niche affiliates begin by conducting keyword research to identify the issues people are encountering. Then, they can create content tailored to address those challenges or provide solutions to enquiries.

“Don’t try chasing the big keywords when you’re getting started,” said Crooks. “There’s going to be a lot of competition for those – anybody else who’s already established in that niche is going to already have a leg up on you for those big keywords – so start with the little ones as a blog post topic … then you’ll start ranking on the bigger keywords.”

Crooks also emphasised that conscious consumers will want to see your credentials when determining whether to trust your offerings. She explained that a strategically crafted About Us page can sway consumers in your favour.

“That’s a place where you can really make your sales pitch on why you’re amazing and why the recommendations you’re giving are to be trusted, so don’t make it just fast, and don’t make it too salesy,” said Crooks.

Monetisation After Engagement

Once you’ve engaged a new audience, you can carefully craft strategies for monetisation. But what if you still don’t have a large audience?

Crooks explained that niche affiliates don’t have to have a huge audience to be successful – they just need an engaged audience. When scaling and aiming for growth in a new niche, affiliates can either go wide or deep into their topics.

“If you have a site about pasta or cooking and want to go wide, you can talk about different kinds of noodles – spaghetti, angel hair, elbows, lasagna, [etc.],” said Crooks. “Or you can go deep [by discussing] wheat noodles versus egg noodles versus vegetable noodles versus lentil noodles. You can always find those areas to go deeper or wider on any given topic.”

Malakian echoed those sentiments by touching on how affiliates can leverage their expertise on a specific topic to provide multiple options to their audience.

“I can help tell you if you want X, Y, and Z, this is an option. If you want these other things, this is also an option,” said Malakian. “I think being able to help people see through the weeds is that role that you’re playing and can also help you scale considering you’ve now provided more options, and that’s going to create more monetisation opportunities.”

Crooks added an effective strategy for monetisation.

“Any noun can be an affiliate link, and I find that text links outperform banner ads … if you can put in a text link, you’re more likely to have somebody click on it than an ad,” said Crooks. “Interestingly enough, if you’ve got a banner ad on the same page as a text link for that product, the text link will perform even better.”

Measuring Success

The final stage of the roadmap for affiliates starting in a new niche entails identifying crucial KPIs and determining how to track them.

“I pay attention to what topics people are reading and focus on those topics…I also look at how many pages they’ll go to so I can do a lot of cross-linking within the site,” said Crooks. “Do you have just one page on that [topic], or can you get them to go to [multiple pages]? [Search engines] want to see if people are continuing to find information on your site.”

Crooks also identified time on the site as a key metric because it signals to search engines that people are finding valuable content and it’s worth their time in further exploring. 

“Keep putting out more content … I go for quality over quantity because it will help me with those other metrics,” said Crooks. “People are going to want to spend more time reading that whole article that they really love … they’re not going to go to five different useless articles just because you’ve got five on your site.

“I would rather put up one or two really good posts a week than put up something every single day that the reader could’ve gotten anywhere.”

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How to Scale Lead Generation Across Calls by Automating & Enhancing Outreach with Conversational AI

Engaging potential leads across calls can often feel like navigating a labyrinth, but leveraging the power of conversational AI emerges as a beacon of efficiency and efficacy.

Matthew Black, the Founder and CEO of Mav – an industry leader in automated two-way texting – and Evan Smith, the Head of Sales for Mav, joined forces with Phonexa COO Jeff Schaffer to illuminate the transformative potential of the technology as part of Phonexa’s Amplify series.

Delving into the economic impact and efficiency gains, the trio discussed how pioneering AI-driven text-first strategy is reshaping outbound call outreach and crafting an inbound-style experience that resonates with leads and propels conversion rates to new heights.

Let’s dive into the key takeaways and insights from the enlightening conversation.

Watch the webinar here.

High-level Pain Points Call Centre Operators Encounter

The informative session kicked off by taking a hard look at call centre operations, challenges, and where conversational AI belongs in the world of lead generation.

Speed-to-lead is outdated, and in its place, the importance of speed-to-experience – leveraging conversational AI to get in touch with a consumer and take them off the market before a competitor reaches them – cannot be overstated.

To illustrate this point, Schaffer presented the following hypothetical scenario: a consumer submits a form, returns to their busy day-to-day life, and the respective call centre wants to contact them without conversational AI.

“The trend used to be email – people used to open and reply to every single email they got, and then email became something people couldn’t stand anymore,” said Smith. “With the advent of power diallers, lead generation, and comparison shopping sites, it became [overwhelming] to watch your phone blow up with call after call after call.”

Black echoed these sentiments by sharing his experience shopping for a mortgage loan and being bombarded with calls from unknown sources, eventually becoming the specific use case for launching Mav.

Today, Mav uses conversational AI to offer “speed-to-experience” for SMS.

Solving Pain Points with Conversational AI Across Calls

Smith demonstrated how text messages helped fill the void from dwindling contact rates since consumers are more likely to read every text message they receive rather than answer each call that comes in.

“Now, with AI, when you tack on those open rates that no other channel gets and tack on automation, you’re able to do call centre-like work without actually having a call centre,” said Smith. “That’s where Mav has come in to be that minimum viable call centre that can operate entirely over text message – it can reply, qualify, do lead outreach, lead intake, and can live-transfer calls.”

High labour costs and attrition are common challenges of operating a call centre and also make it hard to run campaigns.

Conversational AI over SMS can solve these issues, saving call centres tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process.

Best Practises for Lead Nurturing & Re-engagement for Calls

Black explained how the benefit of using conversational AI over SMS from the lead’s perspective unlocks when they look at it as a utility.

“[Consumers] can use this experience to get from point A to point B,” said Black. “Point A may be, ‘Hey, this is X insurance agency following up on a quote.’ Point B could be getting that quote or getting in touch with an insurance rep.”

Black views the transition from Point A to Point B as an opportunity to educate consumers and further differentiate your brand from the competition by providing value – for example, by answering any pressing questions a prospective customer may have regarding your product or service. He shared one of his client experiences to drive the point home.

“We have a customer that’s a larger life insurance company, and when we were building their experience that delivers a life insurance quote online over SMS, a lot of the leads were asking, ‘What term policy do I need – 10, 20, or 30?’” said Black.

He soon realised that whenever the leads called into the customer service centre, the reps always said the same thing: ‘Do you have a mortgage? Do you have a child that’s going to graduate college? And if so, pick a term length that matches that policy.’”

To improve the conversational flow, Mav customer service reps prefixed those questions with, “Consider picking a term length that lasts until your mortgage matures” or “Pick a term length that lasts until your child is out of college.”

“[Prospective customers] then feel educated, gain some value, and know how to appropriately answer those questions along the journey of getting a quote,” said Black. “And that’s the kind of speed-to-experience that makes it a curated journey and sets you apart from everyone else.”

Operational Efficiency

Smith shared his experience running a call centre to highlight how conversational AI makes processes more efficient by requiring less manpower.

“If I had Mav back then, that call centre that was 100 people could’ve been 15 because the conversational AI could sit in front and be a call centre for the call centre,” said Smith.

Smith lauds conversational AI for essentially performing lead triage by scrubbing out uninterested consumers, getting rid of those unqualified leads, and trimming down the list of phone numbers to call by removing those who don’t respond. This also helps to reduce overhead costs by addressing issues related to attrition, which can price call centres out of growth.

Smith explains that the general rule of thumb when replacing a call centre rep is that it’s going to cost one year’s salary. For instance, if a former call centre rep was making $30,000, it’s going to cost that much in lost revenue, new training, HR, and more just to get a new rep back to the level of the person that churned out.

“Even if you have 10 reps and lose four, that’s $120,000 a year that you’re burning on attrition,” said Smith. “If you could run a four-person call centre instead and you only have to replace one person, conversational AI just saved you $90,000.”

Operational efficiency ultimately sets the stage for a call centre to achieve long-term growth.

Take an interactive Product Tour to discover how Call Logic and Cloud PBX streamline inbound and outbound call management and enhance the incoming caller experience. Get a demo with one of our experts and build your plan today.

Customising Sales Scripts and the Customer Journey

Smith touched on how conversational AI improves efficiency as it pertains to changing the customer journey based on where a lead originated from, especially when compared to a human who may take a script down several paths when working on a lead.

In the end, it comes down to whether you want to offer a talk-to-human option for all leads at the top of the funnel or wait until you qualify them.

“For a third-party aggregator in the home services field, you may want to scrub out anybody that’s looking for repairs – if you’re a remodelling company, you don’t want to talk to somebody about repairing a couple of shingles on their roof,” said Smith. “Those leads are likely to come from a third-party aggregator and be of slightly lower quality. Mav scrubs those out and does not offer the talk-to-human option until after they’ve qualified.”

It’s these types of procedures that improve the experience for both the call centre and the consumer, particularly for the latter, since they won’t have their time wasted if they don’t qualify.

“Especially with third-party leads, you have to put yourself in the consumer’s shoes. It’s important that you make reference to the originating source,” said Black. “Bridging that gap is so important and will set you apart from all the [competitors] fighting for that consumer’s time and attention.”

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Essential Insights for Achieving Affiliate Success & Building Lasting Partnerships

When it comes to affiliate marketing, success hinges not only on the strength of your product or service but also on the quality of partnerships you forge with affiliates and publishers.

The key to driving revenue growth and ensuring long-term success is to establish enduring partnerships.

Amber Spears – the Co-Founder of East 5th Avenue, an affiliate management education and marketing company – recently joined Phonexa’s Amplify webinar series to talk about “Growing Your Affiliate Revenue and Building Lasting Partnerships through Programme, Process & People.”

East 5th Avenue has trained over 2,500 companies and helped them generate over $530 million from their training methods. Spears has been called upon by industry giants like Kajabi, Clickbank, and Digital Marketer to create courses on partnership and affiliate marketing that are being used by companies all over the world to grow their business with her proprietary methods.

From refining account management structures to incentivising performance and fostering open communication, Spears’ insights offer a roadmap for unlocking the full potential of affiliate partnerships and driving revenue growth.

Here are the key takeaways, as shared by Spears, shedding light on the crucial elements underpinning sustainable affiliate relationships.

Watch the webinar here.

Define the Ideal Affiliate for Your Business

Spears started the informative session by imploring viewers to define which type of affiliates would be an ideal match for their business.

Spears categorised affiliates into three types.

  • Traditional Affiliates: Generate leads, help attract buyers, and facilitate brand-to-brand collaborations to open up new markets, verticals, and consumers. Marketing channels used by traditional affiliates include affiliate networks, email marketing, newsletters, SEO blogs, e-books, review sites, and media buyers.
  • Influencers & Creators: Subject matter experts or micro- to macro-celebrities with a big social media or podcast following (or a smaller, more engaged audience).
  • Ambassadors: Regular clients and brand enthusiasts who hold a big influence over their friends, family, and peers. Ambassadors are integral to businesses with referrals and testimonials.

The key distinction among the three types is that traditional affiliates, influencers, and creators have an audience, whereas ambassadors have influence. Ambassadors are not as effective at marketing as creators and, therefore, do not command the same audience.

The 3 Pillars of Partnership Marketing

Spears continued the deep dive into the intricacies of affiliate programme success by examining three essential elements of partnership marketing – programme, people, and process.

“When I start looking at [a programme], I might say, ‘We’ve got the people and the programme, but that means we have no process, so we have no consistency,’” said Spears. “Or we have the programme and the process built out, but we don’t have a good person in the driver’s seat – they’re doing 10 other things; they’re the social media manager, the copywriter, and they’re expected to be an amazing affiliate manager. That’s not going to work.”

Spears encourages managers struggling with any of these elements to assess their programme as a whole to identify areas for improvement. This will help programme managers determine whether they’re weak in one particular area or if all three elements need overhaul.


For programmes in need of improvement, Spears recommends the following steps for success:

  • Develop a high-converting sales funnel
  • Implement industry-leading payouts
  • Establish sales tiers for your top affiliates based on volume and payout increases
  • Provide white-glove, proactive partner services for top affiliates

Being proactive with partner services provided to top affiliates is crucial, according to Spears.

“If you do not woo them, take care of them, nurture them, they will go somewhere else,” said Spears. “You are sadly replaceable for them.”


“You want to align yourself with people – at your level or above it – who are going to give you good credibility and have offers, products, and services you feel comfortable promoting and are a service to your community,” said Spears.

What will ultimately make your internal people successful is hiring salespeople rather than “people” people.

“You have to have somebody who likes to hunt in this position, who is motivated by money, and who can actually close business – not just somebody who is good at talking and just managing and growing your current department,” said Spears.

For Spears, it all comes down to complementing the right sales personality with adequate training.

“They need clear KPIs, a generous [compensation] structure, and they need to be good at both cold outreach and management.”


Regarding the process component of partnership marketing, Spears emphasised the importance of deep vertical integration by using an example of maximising opportunities for exposure when working with an affiliate partner that promotes you once a quarter in their email newsletter.

How do you maximise these opportunities? Spears encourages affiliates to start by asking partners the following questions:

  • Can we also get on your podcast?
  • Can we sponsor your podcast?
  • Can we do livestreams together?
  • Can we do banner advertising?
  • Can we do co-branded blogs?
  • Can we connect on LinkedIn and support each other on the platform?
  • What are things we can do to own that category in that business?

After posing these questions, programme managers must assess how they can diversify the types of affiliate partners they work with.

“If we’ve already gotten really deep into influencers and creators but haven’t touched the other types, how do we start diversifying into those new verticals? How do we expand our team?” asked Spears.

Growing a team is a critical first step for a programme manager looking to expand into new verticals. Spears urges managers to foster loyalty among their affiliates by signing them up for Mastermind classes, incentivising them with prises or gifts, or, most importantly, planning the entire year with them.

“I closed hundreds of millions of dollars worth of sales as an affiliate manager, and one of my secret sauces was that I planned my whole year in advance with my top affiliate partners,” said Spears. “I knew what launches they were having, I didn’t put mine on top of theirs, I knew what contests they were doing, I was sending them referrals every month, they were sending me referrals every month – we mapped out our entire year so it worked together and not on top of each other.”

Tips for Structuring a Programme That Motivates Affiliates

Spears explains that nurturing partnerships and sustaining long-term success can be achieved through a handful of steps.

  • Identify the sphere of influence and potential partners to pinpoint those who already serve your target audience
  • Determine the standard in your niche by monitoring the practises of rival programmes
  • Establish your terms, programme structure, and assets accordingly while keeping your ideal affiliate partner in mind

Spears views the process as a journey.

“Take care of [your partners] and build loyalty instead of just giving them money. You have to go the extra mile and that’s when you really start being sought after,” said Spears.

Plugging the Holes in Your Programme

Spears also warned programme managers who focus solely on attracting new affiliates.

By neglecting their current affiliates, programme managers risk having them poached by competitors.

“Anyone doing process should be looking at this and saying, ‘What are the holes in our current programme? What would happen if our top affiliates left? How do we make sure we build a moat around them so they never want to leave?” said Spears.

“They need white-glove service … be proactive and take care of them – keep regular contact and be responsive.”

Nurturing Partnerships

The importance of building lasting partnerships cannot be overstated. In essence, the key to sustained affiliate success lies in cultivating meaningful connections, aligning incentives, and continually adapting strategies to meet the evolving needs of both affiliates and the business.

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of affiliate marketing, Spears’ insights serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward enduring partnerships and sustainable growth in the digital age.

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Insights and Strategies for Navigating the Pay Per Lead Maze

Staying ahead of the curve is the key to sustained success in today’s ultra-competitive digital marketing sphere.

In particular, marketers striving to steer the ever-changing landscape with finesse and precision require a strategically planned roadmap for mastering the dynamic world of pay-per-lead (PPL) marketing.

Phonexa’s recent Amplify webinar, “Mastering the Dynamics of Pay Per Lead” brought together seasoned industry veterans Evan Weber (Founder, Publisher Finders), Sevada Markosyan (CEO at Zero Parallel and Profitise), and David Pickard (CEO at Phonexa UK) to dissect the latest trends and strategies in PPL marketing.

You can watch the Amplify webinar in its entirety here.

No stone was left unturned as the conversation delved into the intricacies of lead optimisation, emphasising the symbiotic relationship between publishers, advertisers, and the lead optimisation platform.

Here’s a recap of the key insights shared during the enlightening discussion.

Regulatory Changes Impacting the Pay-Per-Call Industry

Weber kicked off the conversation with a discussion on new rules adopted by the FCC designed to close a TCPA loophole that previously allowed single consent from a consumer to apply to multiple marketing partners automatically. Markosyan and Pickard continued the talk by illustrating the ripple effect these changes will have on the leadgen space moving forward.

“It will create changes within the industry – whether you’re a ping-tree model with direct post or a ping-post model, it will affect the way you gather consent and process leads,” said Markosyan. “We’re working on creating something ourselves to provide to our affiliates…we know a lot of people are looking at Zero Parallel, Profitise, and Phonexa to [create] a model that everybody can use…and help people navigate through a challenging time.”

“We’re pretty much used to regulation changes here in the UK with GDPR coming in 2018…what it gives us is a rulebook, essentially,” said Pickard. “We’re looking at this as a consultancy thing. We’re sitting down and coming up with strategies to launch something that can solve this problem.”

Lead Optimisation, CPC, CPL, and CPA

Weber highlighted the critical role of lead optimisation platforms, stressing, “It’s really important to emphasise how an actual algorithm is involved in distributing leads and how that benefits both the publishers and the advertisers on the front end driving the traffic.”

Pickard echoed this sentiment, emphasising the importance of visibility and tracking throughout the lead generation journey.

“Something that we encourage at Phonexa is visibility…from start to finish, first impression all the way through to final conversion,” said Pickard. “Essentially, the key use case for Phonexa is building an automation system to distribute those [leads]. Then, when they are distributed, and they’ve converted, automating your communications back to the media buying platforms – back to Facebook, back to Google – using all of their tips and tricks as well in terms of their automation tools.”

Pickard also emphasised the importance of first-party data for marketers to thrive in the post-cookie landscape.

“We’re encouraging people to take control of their data – use that data to influence their advertising – even if you’re just buying leads from your publishers,” said Pickard. “Feed that information back to your publishers so they know which campaigns are working and which customers are converting, and go and do more of what works. That’s Phonexa in a nutshell.”

Optimising on a Niche by Niche Scale

Markosyan underscored the importance of flexibility in lead generation models, stating, “It’s important that you have software that allows you to use whichever model you need to.”

He also highlighted Phonexa’s capability to support various payout structures within a single platform, enabling networks to cater to diverse advertiser and affiliate preferences.

“As a network, when we’re working with affiliates, we also have to be flexible [with] how we’re going to pay our affiliates – some affiliates will only work with you if you’re able to pay on a cost-per-click [basis], and some advertisers will only pay you based on a cost per acquisition,” said Markosyan.

“Phonexa allows us [to mostly] do cost-per-lead, which is the model we’re generating, and we’re paying our affiliates on earnings per lead…but we also have affiliates that we test with cost-per-click [and] cost-per-acquisition, and we have that logic built in, too. So, within one platform within the same niche and the same ping tree, we can operate all three different models and allow ourselves to be flexible to get the most volume and quality from our affiliates [while also] servicing our advertisers.”

Markosyan stressed that the right platform could efficiently handle all those payout models.

“If you’re interested in a platform that can take care of all those payout structures with the right ping-tree model and do it all within one niche, Phonexa can definitely satisfy all of that.”

Strategies for Lowering Cost-Per-Lead & Cost-Per-Acquisition

The in-depth conversation shifted toward actionable tactics for reducing costs and increasing profitability.

Affiliates strategically target consumers and optimise lead generation by focusing on specific days and times, cutting costs during off-peak periods for increased profitability. By analysing the detailed analytics networks provide, affiliates identify the most lucrative states and parameters, such as pay frequency and zip codes, to refine their targeting efforts. These tactics enable affiliates to maintain volume while reducing expenses, offering valuable insights applicable to new and existing affiliates looking to enhance cost-effectiveness in lead generation.

“A good way to do it is to collaborate with the networks that you’re working with to see what type of tools they have available to increase your click-through rate,” said Markosyan.

He also emphasised the importance of leveraging technology and data to optimise campaigns, citing Phonexa’s lookup functionality feature that allows consumers to avoid repeatedly filling out long, tedious forms.

“Consumers will be able to provide our form to our affiliate and still use it on their website, or they can use one of our offers, and the consumer can [enter] three bits of information – date of birth, social security number, and email address – and we’ll be able to do a lookup within our database to see if we have that consumer’s information already,” said Markosyan. “If we do, we can provide a verification page for the consumer to click through and verify it is the same information. Then we can process that lead without necessarily having them complete the entire application from start to finish.”

The end result, according to Markosyan, is a streamlined process that ensures a smooth customer experience and ultimately allows affiliate networks to track certain campaign metrics to ensure they allocate the right amount of funds for the best-performing campaigns.

Suggestions for New Publishers and Advertisers

The trio wrapped up the discussion by advising newcomers to the lead generation space to establish their identity and leverage existing platforms for optimal results. The key is specialisation and collaboration.

Markosyan affirmed that there are two things to consider when entering the leadgen space. The first is to determine your identity by establishing your role in the affiliate network ecosystem. Are you a publisher or an advertiser? Are you an affiliate manager?

“When you try to be everything for everybody, you end up being mediocre in all of those areas,” said Markosyan.

Markosyan encouraged new affiliates to focus on their strengths and leverage established platforms like Phonexa for streamlined operations.

“I agree…we give our clients access to all of the data and allow them to split test things and do what the numbers tell them. [By doing so] every day, you’re going to get incrementally better and incrementally closer to taking up margin or market share away from your competitors,” said Pickard. “Make sure you’re reporting on first impression all the way through to final conversion as a way of identifying each traffic type, split test it – source by source, campaign by campaign – and do more of the good stuff and less of the bad stuff and you’re going to end up in a better place.”

Stay tuned for more in our ongoing Amplify webinar series, and stay connected for the latest updates.

Click here to join the Amplify Community and learn more about upcoming webinars.

How to Master Demand Generation by Uncovering the Buyer’s Journey

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the dynamics of the buyer’s journey have undergone a profound shift.

Harnessing the power of review sites has become a crucial element for businesses navigating the buyer’s journey. 

The intricacies of generating consumer demand were the subject of the recent episode of Phonexa’s Amplify webinar series, “How to Leverage Review Sites to Create and Capture Demand with G2,” featuring Michael Pannone, G2’s Director of Global Demand Generation.

Along with Amplify host and Phonexa CMO Talar Malakian, Pannone delved into the nuanced strategies for review site owners and advertisers alike.

You can watch the webinar in its entirety here.

From unravelling the secrets of leveraging buyer intent data to building a brand that resonates with both advertisers and users, the webinar left no stone unturned. The real gem, however, was the art of driving in-market buyers straight to you, achieved by skillfully leveraging authentic reviews and user-generated content. 

Understanding the Evolving Buyer’s Journey & Navigating Diversified Search Platforms

The buyer’s journey has undergone significant changes. 

Malakian and Pannone kicked off the conversation by sharing insights on how the average person needs to be exposed to a brand anywhere between 11 to 15 on average before engaging in a demo. The discussion highlighted the extended buying cycles, the involvement of more stakeholders, and the growing importance of reviews in decision-making.

“We’re seeing longer buying cycles – I know for us at G2, our buying cycle has almost doubled on average from what it was last year,” said Pannone. “There are more stakeholders now … buying committees are definitely growing, and the other [trend] that we’ve seen explode for sure in the last couple of years is the prominence and importance of reviews.”

While Google remains a dominant force in search, trends indicate a diversification in search platforms. Pannone emphasised that people don’t just rely on Google but also explore forums, communities, and social media platforms. The key takeaway is the need for marketers to expand their horizons to different types of search platforms to align with changing user behaviour.

“People are not just searching on Google. People are searching on forums, communities, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or YouTube, and they’re certainly searching for what current customers have to say,” said Pannone. “What marketers [must do] is make sure that they’re expanding their horizons to different types of search platforms because they’re growing much faster than Google has been.”

Harnessing the Power of Reviews & User-Generated Content

Reviews and user-generated content are pivotal in shaping purchasing decisions, mirroring trends seen in B2C spaces. Pannone discussed how B2B tech buying now reflects the consumer space, emphasising the importance of reviews in the decision-making process. 

“I always tell people to think about any big purchase [they’ve] made recently … [they] probably did a lot of research and read reviews on those things. Software is becoming no different,” said Pannone. “With thousands and up to millions of dollars in contracts on the line, nobody wants to be the person who made a bad call or onboarded a bad provider. So, in that way, some of the trends in the B2B tech buying space actually mirror some of the things we’ve seen happen in the B2C shopping space.”

The conversation also explored effective strategies for generating reviews, including running review campaigns, offering incentives, and strategically placing prompts.

“Make sure that you have those prompts in the right places – even if it’s in your newsletter or maybe if you ask for reviews on social media … asking for reviews as part of your communication strategy is something that really helps,” said Pannone. “And then when you get to those points where you need an extra little bump, or it’s been a while since you had reviews, using gift cards or donations to incentivise people really helps, too.”

Regarding bad reviews, Pannone suggested viewing them as a chance to showcase responsiveness and improvement. Addressing negative feedback transparently and using it to enhance products or services can turn a potentially detrimental situation into a positive one.

“There’s no such thing as a bad review … bad reviews can give you credibility and authenticity. Shoppers are more likely to believe reviews when they see a range of responses – some good, some bad, some glowing, some not so good,” said Pannone.

Optimising Intent Data for Marketing Campaigns & Monetising Reviews

Buyer intent data, generated through platforms like G2, provides valuable insights into user behaviour. Pannone shared how G2 utilises over 50 million intent data signals annually, emphasising the importance of understanding and using different intent data sources at various funnel stages. The discussion covered integrating intent data into awareness, consideration, and decision phases for effective marketing campaigns.

“We have integrations set up for people who are looking at the intent data category on G2, so every hour, we get new companies who are looking for intent data on G2,” said Pannone.

The conversation then delved into the multiple layers of leveraging review sites for marketing. 

Pannone highlighted the wealth of intent data created, emphasising its value for marketers. He discussed how G2 uses intent data signals to reach potential customers based on their activity, providing a unique opportunity for advertisers to target in-market buyers more effectively.

“There are more than 80 million people a year who come shop on G2, and I think that’s how most people think of G2 reviews and research. What demand gen marketers like you and I think about is what level of intent data is created by 80 million people shopping a year,” said Pannone. “You should have several different sources of intent data, but you have to figure out how to use them correctly at different stages of the funnel.”

Best Practises for Leveraging Reviews

Pannone concluded the conversation by sharing four golden rules for leveraging reviews as part of a winning marketing strategy. 

First, optimise your profile on review sites, treating it as an extension of your website. Second, actively gather reviews to build credibility and attract more reviews over time. Third, use reviews strategically, leveraging them as content for specific marketing goals. Finally, once your profile gains traffic, explore ways to use intent data for more targeted and cost-effective marketing campaigns.

“Once you’re generating reviews, start thinking about how you can make your reviews work for you,” said Pannone. “If you’re struggling to grow or struggling with adoption, or you want to break into a new segment or a new location, use your reviews. Leverage your reviews as content.”

Stay tuned for more in our ongoing Amplify webinar series, and stay connected for the latest updates.

To learn more about upcoming Amplify webinars, connect with Malakian on LinkedIn.

A Marketer’s Dream Stack: Building the Ultimate Affiliate Tech Arsenal

Get ready! The extensive array of affiliate marketing tools is poised to elevate your status in the field – or, at the very least, provide a significant boost. Prepare to discover a pathway to unprecedented affiliate marketing revenues and unwavering stability.

Despite the potential profitability of a well-executed affiliate marketing campaign, only approximately 15% of affiliate marketers earn £50,000 or more annually from their efforts, with 57.55% not surpassing £10,000 – a far cry from anticipated outcomes.

So, why is this the case, given the widespread buzz surrounding affiliate marketing?

The answer lies in the fact that many marketers lack the appropriate affiliate marketing tools, trailing behind the rapid evolution of the market. Subpar affiliate marketing tech stacks result in less effective campaign management and, consequently, missed opportunities for profit. Meanwhile, the industry continues to gain momentum, with the global marketing automation software market projected to reach £5.4 billion by 2023.

The remedy?

Here’ the solution: to consistently outperform the competition in affiliate marketing, it’s imperative to utilise the most advanced affiliate marketing tools and continually update your toolkit with newly emerging options (fortunately, they surface quite frequently, so your quest won’t be futile).

What do we provide?

  • Foundational knowledge of the finest affiliate marketing tools
  • Access to a categorised catalogue of the leading affiliate marketing tools

We wish we could offer more to ensure your success, but ultimately, it’s up to you to carve out your unique path in the affiliate marketing sphere. Should you find yourself veering off course, fret not: we have an entire team of marketing professionals ready to support you, along with a plethora of affiliate marketing guides to steer you back on track.

What’s your role?

Two things. Firstly, read this blog in its entirety to acquire a theoretical foundation. Secondly, utilise our extensive array of affiliate marketing tools to identify the ones best suited to your needs.

With that said, it’s time to delve into the unknown, unraveling the intricacies of the best tools for affiliate marketing step by step, commencing with a concise summary of the field.

Affiliate Marketing in a Few Words

Just in case you’re unfamiliar with affiliate marketing, here’s a brief overview:

  • Affiliate marketing is a business model in which affiliates (also known as publishers; though there are minor distinctions between the two, they are irrelevant for now) promote products of a third-party company (referred to as a merchant) in exchange for a commission.

The affiliate marketing process may or may not involve an intermediary known as an affiliate network, which facilitates a favourable marketplace for both parties. However, whether an affiliate network is involved or not, the fundamental principle of affiliate marketing remains consistent: advertisers purchase leads, affiliates generate and sell leads, and both parties converge at a mutually agreeable value-price point to finalise a transaction.

That’s essentially it – you promote products for financial gain. Period, end of storey!

In reality, however, matters are considerably more intricate. Affiliate marketers expend considerable effort to attain their objectives, intensifying the competition.

Why Utilise Affiliate Marketing Tools?

You require sophisticated affiliate marketing tools to stand a chance amidst the fierce competition. You must be capable of automating and enhancing every aspect possible to maintain cost-efficiency on the battlefield. Otherwise, how do you anticipate outpacing someone who performs the same tasks as you but quicker, more precisely, and… simply better?

  • Affiliate marketing tools even the playing field. They are no longer a clandestine weapon conferring an unfair advantage but an essential requirement. Automated affiliate marketing tools are pivotal to your success in 2023.

And these encompass not only affiliate link trackers, though they are indispensable too. There exists a plethora of other affiliate marketing tools at your disposal for your campaigns, ranging from renowned platforms like the Google Marketing Platform and Google Ads to myriad specialised ad analyzers, landing page creators, content optimisers, and beyond.

The game is intricate, but you have already embarked on the journey of enhancement.

Here are the 12 most sought-after types of affiliate marketing tools:

  • Ad intelligence tools
  • Web design tools
  • Content tools
  • Paid media tools
  • SEO tools
  • AI tools
  • WordPress plugins
  • Landing page builders
  • Plagiarism chequers
  • Referral software
  • URL shorteners
  • Web analytics tools

Ensure you familiarise yourself with all the categories and proceed to the dedicated reviews for the affiliate marketing tool categories you wish to learn more about.

Now, it’s time to unlock the treasure trove for you, commencing with ad intelligence tools.

Ad Intelligence Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Let’s pull back the curtain on ad intelligence first:

  • Ad intelligence furnishes insights into your competitors’ advertising campaigns across various dimensions. Consider SensorTower, for instance: this ad intelligence tool can furnish comprehensive insights into competitors’ mobile affiliate campaigns, detailing where ads are positioned and their effectiveness.

Some refer to ad intelligence tools as spy tools, but you needn’t concern yourself with that. Any licensed ad intelligence tool will refrain from crossing legal boundaries, ensuring you can safely analyse fellow affiliates and advertisers.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






1,310,221 6 225 0.33 65.66% 28.51% 0 1.92% 2.90% 1.02%


SensorTower stands out as a well-regarded ad intelligence tool for affiliate marketing, with a primary focus on the mobile app ecosystem. It facilitates a deeper understanding of competitor advertising strategies, providing insights into:

  • The variety of ads utilised
  • Advertisement placement
  • Estimated expenditure on ads

In addition to offering ad intelligence insights, you can also analyse rival apps, keywords, creatives, and additional aspects.




Page Per Visit Bounce


Avg. Visit Duration
13,900 6 0.28 07:12


AdScan emerges as one of the freshest ad intelligence tools tailored for affiliate marketing, boasting the largest repository of YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook adverts currently in circulation across various markets, all readily searchable and traceable. Think of AdScan as akin to Facebook Ads library but with enhanced trackability from a paid perspective.

AdScan furnishes a wealth of invaluable ad intelligence data, encompassing transcripts and estimations of ad expenditure for each advertisement creative, an AI-powered analysis elucidating the strengths and weaknesses of specific ads, and the functionality to bookmark ads for future reference using the Chrome extension.

Here’s your definitive lineup of ad intelligence tools for attaining success in affiliate marketing.

Web Design Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Web design tools for affiliate marketing encompass an array of specialised and renowned website and landing page builders, image editing software, design utilities, CSS frameworks, plugins, heatmap tools, and other resources aimed at optimising your online presence.

  • With a plethora of web design tools at your disposal, you can select the level of intricacy and optimisation for your website, ranging from robust content management systems such as Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla to user-friendly automated website and landing page builders.

The finest web design tools for affiliate marketing can aid in enhancing page loading speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and offering insights into integrating keywords for improved search engine rankings.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






262,178,069 5 232 0.46 53.63% 34.26% 1.14% 8.00% 1.71% 1.25%


Renowned in the design realm, Adobe stands as a prominent figure, offering an extensive array of products tailored for designers, including Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator, each boasting unique advantages:

  • Adobe XD
    • Facilitates website and landing page design
    • Allows for testing CTA locations and customer journey
    • Ensures the appropriate design of affiliate offers
  • Adobe Photoshop:
    • Enables the creation of affiliate banners, ads, and other visual content
    • Optimises image size to enhance website loading speed
  • Adobe Illustrator:
    • Facilitates the design of branding elements such as logotypes and icons
    • Aids in crafting high-quality promotional graphics

With Adobe’s suite of tools, you can craft visually stunning websites, blogs, or landing pages that captivate your visitors, fostering higher engagement and conversion rates. Equally significant, you project a professional image, positioning yourself as an industry authority.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






47,943,076 7 483 0.36 65.64% 24.58% 0.53% 3.01% 2.84% 3.39%


Bringing together a collection of over 800 designer-made templates, Wix empowers you to effortlessly drag and drop elements onto your website, tailoring it for both users and search engines. Moreover, you can craft bespoke landing pages for specific affiliate marketing campaigns, seamlessly integrating features such as payment gateways or shopping carts. This comprehensive platform also offers an SEO toolkit, web hosting services, and bespoke domain names.

Below is your definitive list of web design tools essential for achieving success in affiliate marketing.

Content Marketing Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Regardless of whether you utilise affiliate links, banners, or videos to attract customers, two elements are crucial for success: compelling content with a unique value proposition and the appropriate content marketing tools to expose your content to the target audience.

  • Apart from social media, the primary channels for promoting business in affiliate marketing include blogs (27.8%), review sites (18.7%), coupon sites (14.8%), newsletters (7.2%), and editorial sites (6.5%).

Fortunately, most content marketing tools for affiliate marketing not only aid in promotion but also facilitate content creation and customisation. AI-driven writing assistants such as Grammarly rectify errors and ensure content originality, while comprehensive content marketing platforms like HubSpot assist in aligning content marketing strategies with other business avenues.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






418,410,773 5 627 0.27 75.96% 17.94% 0.05% 0.88% 3.31% 1.86%


The largest web design platform in affiliate marketing, Canva offers a comprehensive suite for designing various website elements, excluding the website itself (Canva leans more towards being a graphic design tool rather than a website builder). With its extensive library containing hundreds of templates and elements, along with a drag-and-drop editor, you can assemble your design effortlessly in just a few clicks.

Here are some of the content types you can design using Canva:

  • Infographics
  • Social media graphics
  • Guides and e-Books
  • Banners and ads
  • Print materials

Canva also operates a design school, providing a helpful starting point for web design endeavours.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






511,659 3 185 0.4 59.11% 27.78% 0.04% 7.40% 3.63% 2.04%


BuzzSumo serves as an intelligence and content marketing tool, aiding in the discovery and analysis of trending topics, popular ideas, and niche influencers. Alongside competitor analysis and content discovery, you can configure alerts for specific domains or keywords to promptly respond to shifts and changes in the content market. Moreover, the Question Analyser feature helps identify the most prevalent questions posed on platforms such as Quora.

Utilising BuzzSumo can enhance your strategic positioning, guide content creation, and amplify the visibility and engagement of your content.

Below is your definitive list of content tools for achieving success in affiliate marketing.

Paid Media Tools for Affiliate Marketing

While organic exposure holds value, it often falls short in generating the desired attention for promoted products. Therefore, it’s essential to combine organic advertising tools like SEO with paid media tools for affiliate marketing.

From pay-per-click (PPC) ads to display ads to social media ads, paid media tools aid in expanding reach, boosting engagement, and increasing conversions, often resulting in revenues that surpass the costs of paid campaigns.

  • Consider Facebook Ads Manager, an in-house tool for managing Facebook and Instagram ads, as an example. It facilitates targeting, attracting similar audiences, retargeting website visitors, and implementing bidding strategies to maximise the efficiency of paid ad campaigns.

Alternatively, standalone tools like Acquisio leverage AI technologies such as machine learning to enhance the effectiveness of paid media campaigns. The options are vast and varied.

Google Ads



Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






65,442,619 10 624 0.31 81.93% 12.65% 0.56% 2.25% 2.44% 0.17%


Google’s online paid media advertising platform, Google Ads, offers premier advertising opportunities across its search engine, YouTube, partner websites, and more. Utilising Google Ads allows you to engage with the broadest audience using your most impactful ads, be it search ads, display ads, shopping ads, video ads, or other supported ad formats.

Among its features, you can utilise:

  • Keyword Planner to comprehend the impact of specific keywords on your ads
  • Conversion tracking tools to trace the customer journey

Google Ads operates by bidding on audiences and keywords to activate ad displays.

Below is your definitive list of paid media tools for achieving success in affiliate marketing.

SEO Tools for Affiliate Marketing

SEO tools for affiliate marketing play a vital role in attracting organic traffic, enhancing website visibility, and ensuring your content reaches the appropriate audience at the optimal time. Additionally, SEO tools aid in refining your website structure, backlinking strategies, and local targeting efforts.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






13,773,682 6 398 0.36 62.89% 28.55% 2.25% 1.52% 1.81% 2.97%


SEMrush presents itself as another versatile affiliate marketing tool that provides SEO insights alongside social media marketing capabilities. On the SEO front, SEMrush covers a wide spectrum of optimisation tasks, offering services such as keyword research, competitor analysis, local and on-page SEO, as well as link building tools and more.

Here’s your definitive list of SEO tools for achieving success in affiliate marketing.

AI Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Artificial intelligence tools for affiliate marketing offer remarkable efficiency, performing tasks at speeds and levels of precision beyond human capability. Even free AI tools for affiliate marketing can generate text and visual content, make data-driven predictions, interact with referrals, and automate and optimise marketing efforts across various channels.

Here’s your comprehensive guide to utilising AI for affiliate and performance marketing.

According to Statista, marketing professionals widely employ AI to enhance customer experience by predicting customer behaviour and needs (60%), identifying common customer journeys (47%), enhancing omnichannel messaging (45%), and numerous other purposes.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






1,473,067,970 4 432 0.39 93.09% 2.34% 0.01% 3.28% 0.79% 0.49%


As a pinnacle of deep learning technology, ChatGPT can assist with content creation, customer support, market research, and language translation. Accessible through integration with your chatbot or standalone at, this record-breaking assistant is utilised by nearly 1.5 billion individuals monthly. Evolving from GPT-3.5 to GPT-4, it offers unparalleled capabilities.

Here’s your definitive list of AI tools for affiliate marketing success.

WordPress Plugins for Affiliate Marketing

Powering 43% of all existing websites, WordPress can achieve even greater heights when augmented with plugins. Among WordPress’s most crucial affiliate marketing tools are plugins, which enable you to enhance your affiliate links, automatically embed them into keywords, and monitor and analyse clicks, among other functionalities.

Pretty Links



Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






48,470 2 130 0.5 34.41% 58.22% 0 4.75% 2.57% 0.06%


One of the finest affiliate marketing plugins available for WordPress, Pretty Links lives up to its name by shortening affiliate links to make them more enticing to click. Additionally, Pretty Links offers the functionality to customise URL slugs and provides link tracking and reporting features.

This plugin comprehensively handles links and URLs, enhancing their contribution to your affiliate success. Notable features include toggling no-follow attributes, link redirection, automatic keyword substitution, scheduled link expiry, and more.

Here’s your definitive list of WordPress plugins to ensure success in affiliate marketing.

Landing Page Builders for Affiliate Marketing

Landing page builders tailored for affiliate marketing focus on merging user-friendliness with desired levels of features and customisation for your website. A diverse array of builders is available, ranging from straightforward drag-and-drop editors to sophisticated CRM platforms like HubSpot, empowering users to create landing pages, blogs, and websites without necessitating technical expertise.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






922,313 6 400 0.41 62.04% 31.37% 0.09% 2.83% 1.98% 1.70%


Unbounce stands out as a haven for creating landing pages, offering an extensive selection of optimised templates, an intuitive drag-and-drop builder, and a plethora of useful features such as dynamic text replacement, lead form creation, pop-ups, and more. To gain a comprehensive understanding of Unbounce metrics, you can seamlessly integrate it with Google Analytics and similar tools.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






42,463,250 13 793 0.36 57.14% 28.09% 0.20% 2.94% 1.62% 10.01%


HubSpot, a titan in the realm of online marketing, doubles as an exceptional landing page builder for affiliate marketing. It boasts drag-and-drop templates, customisable landing pages, blogging tools, and beyond.

HubSpot is really a platform to cover your marketing from A to Z. Even the free plan includes tools for email marketing, forms, landing pages, blogs, and live chat.

Here’s your definitive list of the finest landing page builders to ensure triumph in affiliate marketing.

Plagiarism Chequers for Affiliate Marketing

Plagiarised content not only lacks engagement but also suffers in search engine rankings. Plagiarism chequers for affiliate marketing guarantee the ethicality of your content and ensure your writers invest genuine effort. With plagiarism chequers like Grammarly, you can swiftly scan your content, identifying potential sources of plagiarism within seconds.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






57,223,000 3 188 0.42 62.86% 25.19% 3.19% 2.49% 2.28% 4.00%


Fuelled by NLP technology, Grammarly emerges as a premier writing assistant for detecting typos and rectifying grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, especially if you lack the finesse of a professional wordsmith. Grammarly proves invaluable when scrutinising copious amounts of content while ensuring its authenticity.

Grammarly boasts compatibility with nearly every device and platform. As a browser extension, it can serve as your steadfast writing companion in day-to-day correspondence, encompassing emails and chat messages.

Here’s your definitive list of plagiarism chequers for achieving success in affiliate marketing.

Referral Software for Affiliate Marketing

Referral software for affiliate marketing finds more utility among advertisers and affiliate networks rather than individual affiliates, streamlining affiliate management and consolidating operations to provide a comprehensive overview of your affiliate marketing strategies.

Referral software encompasses various functionalities, aiding in the administration of affiliate programmes, tracking affiliate links, disbursing payouts, tailoring payout structures, onboarding affiliates, managing cookies, and detecting fraud.

Speaking of affiliate marketing fraud, here’s a quiz to assess your proficiency in preventing marketing fraud.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






577,216 2 71 0.63 41.43% 33.63% 1.84% 8.89% 7.44% 6.78%


ReferralCandy presents itself as a tool for affiliate marketing, encouraging users to invite referrals to your products, thereby facilitating word-of-mouth marketing for advertisers and creating an additional income channel for affiliates. The entire referral process is automated, from sending invitations to issuing rewards.

Here’s your definitive list of referral software for achieving success in affiliate marketing.

URL Shorteners for Affiliate Marketing

Short and descriptive URLs not only enhance visual appeal but also convey valuable information about the content. URL shorteners for affiliate marketing serve to streamline your URLs while incorporating relevant keywords to attract more clicks.




Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






1,349,988,183 1 4 0.09 41.25% 30.52% 0.42% 11.11% 16.27% 0.42%


Bitly, primarily focused on shortening URLs, also offers the option to create branded URLs like “” and customise URL slugs, enhancing the professionalism and informativeness of your URLs. The service provides comprehensive analysis for every shortened link, including click data, geographical location, and the device used by the clicker.

Here’s your definitive list of URL shorteners for achieving success in affiliate marketing.

Web Analytics Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Web analytics tools for affiliate marketing serve as the primary source of insights, offering the potential to unlock every aspect of website traffic and customer activity data. From monitoring traffic sources to analysing user behaviour to conducting A/B tests, web analytics tools play a crucial role in every facet of affiliate marketing.

Google Marketing Platform



Page Per Visit Time On Site Bounce






Paid Referral Traffic Referral






2,497,585 2 69 0.66 35.75% 27.84% 1.49% 34.08% 0.75% 0.10%

Google Marketing Platform brings together a range of proprietary marketing and analytic products, catering to the needs of both affiliates and advertisers. With Google Analytics, a component of the Google Marketing Platform, you can delve into the complete on-site journey and every touchpoint of a specific customer, from their path to conversion to their interactions before leaving the site.

Here’s your definitive list of web analytics tools for achieving success in affiliate marketing.

Acquire Your Comprehensive Affiliate Marketing Toolkit at Phonexa

Phonexa provides affiliate marketers with precisely what they need – a comprehensive suite of affiliate marketing software that consolidates diverse campaigns into a single dashboard, seamlessly connecting clicks, calls, and revenue. With eight proprietary marketing solutions, Phonexa ensures that every customer journey is tracked from start to finish.

Secure your affiliate marketing software suite now, or book a demo to learn more about how Phonexa can supercharge your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What affiliate marketing tools make up a winning marketing stack?

The ideal set of tools for affiliate marketing varies depending on whether you’re an affiliate, advertiser, or part of an affiliate network.

Affiliates may access affiliate marketing tracking tools offered by their partner advertisers or affiliate networks. Additionally, affiliate networks might supply creatives such as ads, landing pages, and visuals to enhance performance and increase commissions.

However, it’s often more dependable to handle things independently rather than relying on third parties.

Consider the following affiliate marketing tools to enhance your strategy:

  • Ad intelligence
  • Web design tools
  • Content marketing tools
  • Paid media tools
  • SEO tools
  • AI tools
  • WordPress marketing plugins
  • Landing page builders
  • Plagiarism and AI content chequers
  • Referral marketing software
  • URL shorteners
  • Web analytics tools

Certain platforms incorporate most of these features within their ecosystems. For instance, Phonexa combines click tracking software Lynx with seven other performance marketing tools, providing comprehensive marketing solutions from a single intuitive dashboard.

What are spy tools for affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing spy tools enable you to monitor competitors’ affiliate marketing campaigns, including their advertising locations, ad types, and the effectiveness of specific strategies. These tools collect publicly available information within legal boundaries, rather than engaging in actual spying.
Some of the top spy tools for affiliate marketing include Adplexity, SpyPush, AdPeriscope, Antrex, BigSpy, PowerAdspy, WhatRunsHere, SEMrush, Similarweb, and more. Even well-known tools like SEMrush and Similarweb can be utilised to analyse competitors’ traffic and paid advertising strategies.

Are free tools for affiliate marketing worth using?

Free affiliate marketing tools can be beneficial for gaining familiarity with the field without significant commitment. Many platforms offer a free version with limited functionality. For instance, the free version of Google Analytics is sufficient for most small and medium-sized affiliates.
However, paid tools for affiliate marketing typically offer more valuable marketing insights. Investing a bit more to unlock game-changing data is often worthwhile.

Secure Safe Outbound Traffic with Trusted Caller ID: Phonexa Product Updates

We’re back at it again – here are some of the latest features we’ve released across the Phonexa suite in recent weeks.

Trusted Caller ID Secures Safe Outbound Traffic

The “Trusted Caller ID” feature in Cloud PBX allows you to whitelist phone numbers that have been reserved in our system for outbound dialling and to continuously monitor and maintain a high reputation for the reserved phone numbers with carriers to prevent them from being marked as spam on the receiver’s side.

It is a powerful service clients leverage to make sure their outbound traffic is marked as safe, ensuring smooth and successful communication.

The feature first needs to be enabled in System Subscriptions. After enabling it, the service then needs to be activated per phone number.

Reserved phone number from the system

New phone number reservation

Learn More: Trusted Caller ID

Redesigned System Subscriptions Page

As part of our ongoing commitment to enhance the user experience, we’ve redesigned the System Subscription page. The new design features streamlined navigation, enhanced visibility, and simplified subscription management.

We’ve also reorganised the layout into Core features and Additional features to make it easier for you to find and manage your subscriptions. We believe these changes will significantly improve your ability to manage your subscriptions with ease and transparency, and to stay up to date with the latest features, their pricing, and easily activate/deactivate your subscription with just a few clicks.

Redesigned Support Centre

We’ve redesigned our Support Centre to give it a modern look that provides a clean and intuitive interface, making the process of finding and getting help easier than ever.

The quick links ensure easy access to the resources you need, including System Subscriptions, Integrations, Project Settings, and Event Notifications.

The live chat integration facilitates real-time, 24/7 personalised support, and the improved navigation enables access to System Updates, Knowledge Base, and more.

Control Panel: Copy Table Cells for Reports

And finally, we have a new feature of copying table cells – just enable the feature in the My Profile section and enjoy! Easily copy the data from individual cells, rows, and columns with just a few clicks and maintain the original formatting of your data when you paste it elsewhere.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Press Control and/or Command
  2. Select the cells with your mouse
  3. Copy and paste


Are you looking for a particular feature or product functionality in Phonexa? Let us know by emailing

Integrating First-party Data for Effective Marketing Automation

Customer data is a nuanced aspect with varying meanings for different companies, depending on the context. A brand’s proficiency in capturing, organising, and activating customer data serves as a tool to address diverse enquiries and mould customer experiences.

A comprehensive and interconnected approach fundamentally empowers marketing experts to revolutionise how brands engage and interact with consumers. Essentially, having appropriate data helps marketers set practical and achievable goals.

The prevalence of tracking in digital marketing contributes to over 70% of Americans sensing that their online activities are extensively tracked and analysed by advertisers, tech companies, and other businesses.

Conversely, tracking has empowered brands to furnish consumers with a more personalised experience, anticipate user intent, and uncover avenues for growth.

In light of the decline of third-party cookies, businesses must be prepared with alternatives that facilitate more compliant data collection. Here’s a guide on constructing and utilising a first-party data strategy to enhance digital experiences.

What Constitutes First-party Data?

Before delving into the complexities of capturing and utilising this type of data, let’s zero in on the definition of first-party data.

First-party data, also referred to as 1P data, comprises information directly collected by a company from its audience. The term ‘first-party’ designates the entity that gathers data points to construct customer profiles for their marketing campaigns.

Marketing with first-party data empowers companies to address each customer’s interests and needs. By having access to detailed data such as consumer preferences, digital interactions, purchase history, and behaviour, brands can deliver personalised experiences based solely on the data their customers willingly share.

Departing from strategies centred around third-party data can foster transparency and boost consumer trust in their brands. In the past, overreliance on 3P data led to advertisers tapping into only 40% or less of their company’s first-party data potential.

                                                                          Source: eMarketer

Today, first-party data remains a work in progress for many businesses, with challenges that marketing experts are still working to overcome.

Hurdles in Utilising First-party Data

Here are some of the prevalent challenges marketers encounter when seeking to leverage customer data:

  • Creating customer profiles: Consumers typically interact with brands across various channels and platforms. Businesses can attain a unified customer view and personalise marketing messages only by amalgamating data across channels and consolidating multiple customer profiles.
  • Forming audience segments: Brands aiming to transition from a 3P data strategy must build or expand their first-party data collection. When executed effectively, they can delineate and generate audience segments based on user interactions. Moreover, such segmentation can assist companies in monetising their websites or mobile apps more effectively.
  • Devising actionable data strategies: Strategy historically guides the entire process. This is why companies need to comprehend the resources and data they must collect. Subsequently, they can tailor the strategy for every touchpoint and map it across the customer journey.

Formulating a first-party data strategy might seem like a complex endeavour. However, reassessing your practical strategies can be the key to establishing more direct relationships with your audience and effectively conveying how your customers will benefit from sharing their data.

Strategies for First-party Data Collection

79% of American consumers are concerned about sharing their personal information online. At times, such privacy apprehensions can dissuade clients from engaging with or making purchases from a company.

Recent changes to third-party cookies underscore businesses’ need to invest in data transactions that deliver value, employ a data management platform, and centralise all CRM and tracking data.

Source: IAB

Acknowledging that consumer data is a privilege that companies should continuously earn is vital. With brands now obligated to be transparent about data collection, they must obtain consent from customers to track and utilise their personal information.

Here’s what brands can do to establish a value exchange, entice consumers to opt in, and boost customer retention:

  • Clearly communicate the reasons behind data collection and usage
  • Ensure transparency by empowering customers to control their privacy settings
  • Emphasise the benefits of sharing data, such as an enhanced customer experience, exclusive offerings, loyalty programs, etc.

From the business perspective, brands must effectively capture and manage 1P data. This way, they can construct compelling touchpoints, deliver more pertinent client experiences, and fortify customer relationships.

If you missed our recent article discussing the impending shift from CCPA to CPRA, cheque it out here to learn how these changes will impact your company’s data compliance efforts.

Let’s delve into a closer examination of three essential activities crucial for successful first-party information capture.

1. Establish a Foundation for Data Management and Acquisition

Identifying inefficiencies and closing gaps in the data and analytics structure can assist businesses in managing, integrating, and formatting data effectively.

Efficient integration serves as the bedrock for leveraging consumer data. This underscores the significance of marketing professionals implementing robust data acquisition processes and specific technologies like LMS Sync – Phonexa’s lead management solution – to tap into audience insights, derive value from every lead, and recalibrate marketing strategies.

2. Implement Tailored Approaches to Data Collection

Privacy concerns prompt customers to scrutinise the details of every privacy policy, necessitating organisations to articulate how they employ consumer data. The primary objective for a company addressing consumer privacy is to ensure customers comprehend its data capture methods.

Offering the audience more control and education regarding data privacy stands out as one of the principal ways to earn their trust.

Source: Gartner

After gaining customer trust, companies can collect 1P data through website tracking pixels, CRM, marketing automation solutions, and Data Management Platform (DMP).

In essence, adhering to best data privacy practices and ensuring compliant data collection can assist brands in enhancing customer experience across their marketing channels.

3. Develop a Convincing Value Proposition

Encouraging customers to share personal information often necessitates value propositions such as transactional rewards, incentivised offerings, or loyalty programs.

Brands have various opportunities to learn about customers. For example, leveraging a post-purchase customer experience enables companies to gather insights about the client and the product, enhancing marketing and business communication. Additionally, retargeting campaigns and 1:1 communication through social media, phone calls, or email can also streamline consumer data capture.

In summary, marketers must adopt a more sophisticated approach to data utilisation and a more granular strategy for capturing it. Elevating engagement through owned marketing channels will undoubtedly reduce friction, improve customer retention, and reveal opportunities for gathering valuable data.

First-party Data Sources

In the present landscape, consumers wield greater control over their experiences. They engage with brands across an array of devices and channels, prompting businesses to continually forge new touchpoints and personalise these engagements.

Harnessing first-party data aids marketers in shaping and refining the customer journey, which encompasses three fundamental stages:

  1. Establishing connections and fostering repeat customers.
  2. Cultivating emotional relationships to enhance customer lifetime value.
  3. Delivering exemplary customer service to combat attrition.


Each stage contributes to honing a brand’s customer-centric approach and ensuring customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, accumulating a substantial volume of first-party data and its optimal utilisation necessitate a strategic approach to digital interactions and data origins.

Let’s delve into a more detailed exploration of some of the premier sources of 1P data.

Company website Your company website serves as a rich source of high-quality data regarding visitors and customers. It provides insights into on-site behaviour, transactions, names, and email addresses that can be utilised for targeted retargeting and engagement campaigns.
Mobile app Mobile marketing heavily relies on in-app data businesses or developers capture concerning customers and prospects. Recognising that app users often constitute a brand’s most loyal supporters, it becomes imperative to gather first-party data. This aids in enhancing audience understanding, refining targeting, unlocking optimal app features, sending push notifications, and maintaining a competitive edge in a privacy-focused, customer-centric environment.
Social media Social media marketing is integral to any business strategy, offering an excellent avenue to connect with the target audience and gather first-party data. It allows for a deeper understanding of the intent and behaviour of potential and active customers, creating audience segments, delivering personalised content, and insights into overall customer satisfaction.
Email and SMS Brands can collect and leverage detailed 1P data through email and SMS marketing software. With Phonexa’s E-Delivery email and SMS solution, businesses can aggregate data related to their SMS or email campaigns, refine and nurture email lists, deliver personalised messages, and execute campaigns tailored to different segments.
Surveys One of the most effective ways to gauge customer opinions about a brand, service, or product is to ask them directly. Conducting a quick poll or IVR survey enables businesses to engage customers and amass 1P data. An IVR survey allows consumers to share their experiences and, in the process, generates high-quality data about these individuals.
Phone calls Numerous meaningful customer interactions occur during phone calls. Implementation of Call Logic — Phonexa’s call tracking and distribution intelligence platform — facilitates first-party data collection. It aids in understanding more about active campaigns and clients, creating customisable journeys, and acquiring detailed attribution.

Utilising First-party Data for Marketing Success

1P data forms the foundation for comprehending and establishing connections with customers. Nevertheless, a significant number of marketers still lack suitable data strategies and technologies to unlock its complete potential.

The following outlines how businesses can employ first-party data for marketing purposes and activate customer data to propel business growth.

Determining the Optimal Utilisation of First-party Data

Setting goals is a top priority for any company aspiring to formulate or implement a first-party data strategy. Businesses should commence by discerning how they intend to communicate with customers through their brands and the offerings they wish to present.

Consider addressing the following queries to ascertain the primary marketing goals that will assist in crafting a successful strategy:

  • What constitutes an outstanding omnichannel experience for your customers?
  • How can you initiate real-time personalisation?
  • What captivates your audience?
  • To what extent can you identify trends and comprehend specific customer behaviour?
  • Can you gain a clear insight into first-party data?
  • How do you re-engage customers who abandoned a conversion flow?

Capturing and leveraging 1P data can substantially enhance any programme or campaign. Therefore, steering in the right direction and identifying primary goals can make a significant impact.

Develop a Strategy for First-party Data Collection

Mastering the art of gathering first-party data is the cornerstone of an omnichannel strategy. It contributes to enhancing customer loyalty, retention, and satisfaction for companies.

The initial step for businesses is constructing a data roadmap outlining the necessary initiatives to achieve predefined objectives. This tangible outline typically encompasses deliverables, action plans, strategic goals, gap analysis, investment priorities, and more. The roadmap facilitates the creation of a seamless path to purchase, enabling clients and prospects to explore products and discern their desired outcomes effortlessly.

Seek Permission for Data Collection

It’s common knowledge that businesses must be transparent regarding data collection. Securing your target audience’s comprehension of the reasons, benefits, and your brand’s obligations associated with first-party data collection is pivotal for the brand’s well-being and future growth.

Transparent data collection isn’t solely about grappling with intimidating acronyms such as IDFA, GDPR, or CPRA. It is fundamentally about instilling trust and cultivating enduring customer relationships.

Cheque out our recent article detailing the impacts of CPRA implementation on how businesses manage consumer data, effective from January 1, 2023.

Experiment, Refine, and Reassess

The learning, experimenting, and refining process is perpetual for marketers engaged in first-party data collection.

Dedicating time and energy to testing is crucial. It assists brands in discovering the most productive methods for gathering customer data and fine-tuning the utilisation of 1P data. A/B testing of ad creatives, email templates, or campaigns is a valuable practice to gauge the target audience’s response.

Use Cases for Marketing with First-party Data

A comprehensive understanding of the entire buyer journey is pivotal for marketers seeking to enhance a brand’s overall marketing efficacy.

The strategic integration and activation of first-party data across all touchpoints empower brands to adopt a more customer-centric and triumphant approach. A case study presented below illustrates how the collection and adept use of first-party data, coupled with the right martech stack, can significantly impact brand consideration and customer experience.


Another compelling illustration showcasing the potential of prioritising first-party data in propelling business growth is the case study of Kia’s transformation into a more customer-centric enterprise.

For Kia, leveraging customer data involved formulating cross-channel marketing strategies, pivoting from car dealers to end-users, identifying the necessity for novel website features, implementing cutting-edge tech solutions, and much more. This journey is just a glimpse into the company’s ongoing digital transformation as it navigates the landscape of privacy-centric practices.

Grasping First, Second, and Third-party Data

Let’s recap our understanding of first-party data and delve into the key distinctions between first, second, and third-party data.

Key Insights: First-party Data

  • First-party data constitutes the information gathered by brands from their customers.
  • It encompasses digital interactions, subscriptions, customer preferences, in-store purchase history, cross-platform data, etc.
  • Marketing automation solutions, CRMs, DMPs, or website tracking pixels can facilitate the collection of first-party data.
  • First-party customer data is instrumental in acquiring audience insights, personalising content and advertisements, predicting purchasing behaviour, and adhering to the latest privacy regulations.
  • It ensures data quality, accuracy, and relevance.

Second-party Data

Second-party data is essentially another company’s first-party data, which the company chooses to sell or share with another entity.

Here are several instances of second-party data:

  • A media publisher can vend its first-party audience information to advertisers.
  • A retail store or an airline may sell customer data to a credit card company.
  • A tourism-oriented business can market its customer information to an airline.

Comparing First-party Data and Second-party Data

Certainly, each of the three categories of customer data carries its own advantages, drawbacks, and distinctions. Let’s examine the key characteristics.

Here are some primary advantages of second-party data:

  • Enhanced insights into existing customers and prospects
  • Improved targeting capabilities
  • Opportunity to broaden a company’s marketing reach
  • Insights into similar audiences

Key drawbacks of using second-party data:

  • Varying standards of data collection and management
  • Limited knowledge of data quality
  • Potential issues with data integration

In comparison, it’s evident that companies utilizing second-party data lack both exclusive ownership and the competitive edge provided by first-party data.

Third-party Data

Third-party data is information acquired from an external broker, a third party that did not originally collect the data but aggregated it from diverse sources. This data typically stems from online social media interactions, search history, or online transactions.

Here are a couple of instances of third-party data use:

  • A ski resort aiming to advertise in Utah purchases information from a broker or marketplace on local internet users.
  • A customer support team can utilize pertinent third-party data points to better understand customer needs and enhance service quality.

Comparing First-party Data with Third-party Data

Considering its nature, third-party data can encompass a variety of insights that might not be matched even by first-party data. However, there’s a caveat: the methods employed to collect it.

There is no way to verify whether a third party was adhering to data privacy laws while gathering customer information, which is one reason why the use of such data is frequently restricted.

Let’s delve deeper into the advantages and drawbacks of using third-party data.

Here are some of the primary advantages third-party data offers:

  • Helps in expanding upon existing customer profiles.
  • Provides additional audience insights.
  • Often distilled into audience segments.

DIsadvantages of using third-party data:

  • The use is often restricted
  • Data may lack uniqueness
  • Parts of datasets can be of low quality
  • Lack of transparency in data collection
  • Possible issues with data integration

From a business standpoint, utilising third-party data can be risky due to the lack of transparency in data collection. Besides the risk of breaching data privacy, the information might lack uniqueness.

Since competitors can purchase the same datasets from brokers, you might likely disregard this data and concentrate on capturing relevant and valuable first-party customer data.

Uncover the Potential of First-party Data

It can’t be overlooked that third-party data fails to sustain success, prompting brands to seek ways to obtain distinctive and pertinent consumer data. Many astute marketers concentrate on reshaping their brands into customer-centric entities, amplifying the use of first-party data, and crafting data-driven strategies.


Book a consultation to learn how Phonexa’s suite of marketing automation solutions can help you build customer profiles, gain audience insights, and recalibrate your marketing strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is first-party data?

First-party data refers to information gathered by your organisation about your customers or website visitors.

Why is first-party data important?

First-party data gives marketers access to unique information that enables control over data quality and accuracy, enhances reliability, improves personalisation, and ensures data privacy.

How is first-party data stored?

Companies typically use CRMs or Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) to store collected first-party data. CRMs assist businesses in leveraging customer information, such as family and education details, multiple purchases, career information, and website visits.
Regarding CDPs, they help brands organise collected data into encrypted profiles, providing a centralised view of customers across all touchpoints.

How can I acquire more first-party data?

Businesses can gather more first-party data by profiling customers more deeply through polls, IVR surveys, feedback forms, and follow-up emails. Additionally, brands can utilise call tracking software to obtain detailed attribution on inbound call traffic and analytics tools to garner in-depth behavioural data about clients and prospects.

The Essential Connection Between Call Tracking and Marketing Analytics

When considering investments in martech, brands dedicate 26% of their marketing budget, even in uncertain times, covering both essential and desirable martech tools.

While the distinction between the two may seem clear, rapidly evolving consumer behaviour and the surge in customer communications have transformed even some ostensibly optional functionalities. In certain cases, these functionalities align with core martech components like web analytics, CRM, and call tracking.

An enterprise’s ability to navigate the marketing technology landscape relies on various factors, including a well-integrated stack. Undoubtedly, having all the necessary technology in place is crucial. This is particularly true for brands allocating a small portion of their budget to driving sales calls. What they truly require is an efficient call tracking tool.

Here’s why employing a call tracking marketing solution is vital for revenue growth and the scalability of your business.

Understanding The Significance Of Call Tracking

In today’s landscape, consumers hold higher expectations and increasingly stringent standards for client service and support. This is one reason why brands often adopt an omnichannel approach to the customer experience, consolidating data from various channels such as emails, live chats, and phone conversations.

Businesses need all the essential customer data to refine a buying journey and tailor CTAs. Call tracking enables enterprises to achieve closed-loop attribution, acquire crucial data, establish caller profiles, and more. In other words, it provides them with an opportunity to see the complete picture.

Furthermore, call tracking aids marketing experts in identifying which campaigns generate the most calls, monitoring specific initiatives through dynamic phone numbers, and evaluating the current and future marketing capabilities of the company.


As previously mentioned, evaluating cross-channel performance is vital for any enterprise. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for businesses to seek platforms or software that can help answer fundamental questions, such as:

  • Which ads prompt most of the calls?
  • Can I identify the keywords that bring more leads and trigger more calls?
  • How effective are my landing pages?
  • Which campaigns have the best ROI?

Today, measuring your marketing impact is crucial for the viability of your organization.

Phonexa’s call tracking software, Call Logic, accomplishes precisely that. For example, brands frequently use keyword tracking to evaluate campaign performance at the keyword level. This way, they can determine which conversion keywords attract their prospects and refine their funnel.


Multi-channel attribution is one of the many fundamental components of call tracking software. Here’s why it’s essential for any business:

  • Its transformative potential can revolutionize a multi-channel strategy.
  • Enterprises can automatically track calls and precisely identify lead sources.
  • It provides the capability to understand clients’ needs and predict their behaviour.

Call tracking software is a reliable way to identify all the contact points and manage the customer lifecycle.

Unlocking Reporting and Analytics Proficiency

Like any modern business, you’ve likely contemplated creating a tracking strategy. However, let’s acknowledge that any effective plan involves real-time reporting and analytics. The absence of these components could spell doom for your company.

Sophisticated reporting and analytics functionalities are frequently integrated into call management software. This empowers brands to evaluate all the gathered information, optimise the utilisation and significance of acquired data, and expedite their analysis. Consequently, enterprises can comprehensively examine traffic sources, trends, call volumes, keywords, and approaches.

Now, let’s delve into a detailed exploration of the advantages these features provide.

Why Call Tracking Is Essential For Effective Marketing Analytics 2

Keep Your Company Up To Speed

Capitalising on real-time reporting enables the continual monitoring of each incoming call, displaying details such as duration, hang-ups, missed calls, conversion rates, click-through rates, and more. In essence, it provides a means to evaluate the effectiveness of calls within the customer conversion path.

Make Informed Decisions

Armed with comprehensive information on campaign performance, enterprises can identify weaknesses, discern which campaigns are achieving their objectives, seamlessly withdraw ads, or make instant adjustments.

Recover Lost Leads

Accessing details about prospects who didn’t convert is vital for businesses. These features aid in measuring and evaluating customer acquisition costs and successfully implementing lead scoring for inbound call leads.

Cultivate Client Trust

Brands cannot afford to overlook how clients respond to their services, support, or ads. Real-time reporting and analytics empower brands with profound insights into launched campaigns and every conversion, allowing them to reflect on CX and bolster client trust.

Optimal Strategies for Harnessing Call Tracking

It’s imperative for marketing specialists to access comprehensive data on overlooked prospects, achieved conversions, and customer behaviour. Incorporating solutions such as call tracking allows the amalgamation of offline and online efforts, the allocation of phone numbers to specific campaigns, and the attribution of each call and conversion.

Integrating call tracking can profoundly strengthen your enterprise regardless of your industry, be it insurance, solar, legal, or home services. Here’s how:

  • Monitoring calls aids in establishing an exceptional support team and enhancing CX
  • Employing IVRs and surveys aids in gathering vital data and attaining insights into customer behaviour
  • Tailoring the call experience contributes to keeping clients engaged
  • Implementing intelligent call routing through real-time reporting enhances CR
  • Incorporating AI-powered IVRs and chatbots and facilitating client communication with company representatives ensures elevated customer satisfaction and retention rates
  • Identifying overlooked opportunities and ensuring the efficient utilization and allocation of available resources is facilitated by this tool

Learn how to craft informed strategies and enhance your clients’ experience through call tracking by booking a consultation with one of Phonexa’s experts.

Ping Post Calls Integration Builder: Phonexa Product Updates

It’s that time of month – here are just some of the latest features we’ve released across the Phonexa suite in recent weeks.

Ping Post Calls Integration Builder Support

Everyone who uses Phonexa loves the Integration Builder. So we made sure to spread the Integration Builder Support love to ping post calls as well.

Our Integration Builder now supports ping post calls flows through LMS Sync, providing clients with a powerful new tool to quickly and easily build integrations and make updates as needed.

The best part? The user-friendly interface is designed so that you don’t need developer support.

LEARN MORE: Integration Builder

Filter Leads Based on DNC Parameters & Stay Compliant

We’ve launched a new feature within iClear that cheques in real-time the “Do Not Call” status for the lead phone number, a cost-effective alternative to our more comprehensive service of Phone Number Analysis.

The new service aims at filtering the leads based only on DNC parameters. This is especially important because it helps you stay compliant with the FTC and state guidelines by scrubbing against daily updates of DNC lists.

By the way, did you know that the latest FTC report showed that consumer complaints about robocalls and unwanted live telemarketing calls have decreased to a five-year low?

LEARN MORE: iClear: Do Not Call cheque

New Report Identifies Lead Rejections Based on Rules

Phonexa clients increasingly use iClear’s advanced rules because it offers incredible flexibility in creating and managing a variety of rules for processing, filtering, and routing leads based on the complex logic of conditions and actions.

Now we have a useful report that tracks the performance of the configured advanced rules and quickly identifies the lead rejections based on those rules. The report contains information on the number of processed advanced rules and the number of rejects based on those rules.

LEARN MORE: iClear: Advanced Rule Reject Report

Streamline & Enhance Workflows Through Disposition Summary Report

The Disposition Summary Report is a powerful new feature in our system designed to streamline and enhance workflows by providing valuable insights into the dispositions pinged back into the system.

Key features include a detailed overview of the disposition pingbacks in a consolidated report, real-time updates on disposition changes, and enhanced decision-making based on the feedback from the buyers on the quality of the leads to optimise the processes.

Every time a new disposition is pinged back into the system it will be immediately updated in the report and can be viewed and analysed from various perspectives such as:

  • Disposition Summary by Buyer
  • Disposition Summary by Publisher
  • Buyer Monthly Summary
  • Global Publisher Review
  • Publisher by Month
  • Publisher by Campaign
  • Publisher by Day

LEARN MORE: Disposition Summary 

Optimise Email Configuration For Deliverability

According to the latest industry reports, the average email deliverability rate across various email marketing platforms is 84.2%.

In our continued efforts to improve email deliverability, we’ve introduced a new E-Delivery feature that allows clients to test the configuration and deliverability of the template to the inbox.

The Email Tester feature provides detailed information on variables like Spam, Authentication, Headers, DNS, Links, and more.

Get ready to identify and fix configuration problems in advance for better inboxing.

LEARN MORE: Email Templates 

Improved UX for Instance Interface

We’re always burning the midnight oil looking for new ways to improve the user experience. Our toiling and tinkering have led to a new feature that enables users to hide or show less frequently used filters in the most popular reports. It just takes a click to hide or unhide the filters for a cleaner and more focused experience.

Are you looking for a particular feature or product functionality in Phonexa? Let us know by emailing

Adapt To New Bulk Email Sender Rules: Phonexa Product Updates

It’s that time of month! Here are just some of the newest features we’ve released in recent weeks across the Phonexa platform.

Updates in Opt-Intel

Get Compliant with New One-Click Unsubscribe Feature

Google and Yahoo recently announced new requirements and email sender guidelines for bulk email senders.

Not only have we followed along, but we’ve been working on an easy solution for those of you who’d like to efficiently manage suppression lists and opt-outs.

To get you compliant right now with Google and Yahoo’s new rules, we created a new one-click unsubscribe feature in Opt-Intel, our suppression list management tool.

Here’s how the new opt-out feature works: When the unsubscribe link is clicked, it redirects the user to a new page that indicates a successful unsubscribe. There won’t be any additional requests to re-enter email addresses or to provide any additional information, making it easier for everyone to manage unsubscribed.

Learn More

Updates in Lynx

Create & Track New Offers For Mobile 

Did you know that 31% of consumers prefer to shop via mobile – crazy, right?

But that also means more affiliate traffic to mobile apps!

With our latest offer type, you can create and manage mobile offers inside of Lynx, our click tracking platform.

The Mobile Offer is used to track offers that send users to the Google or Apple Mobile App Stores instead of website domains or web properties. You can track conversion events from those same applications and align them with your offer goal in Phonexa.

Learn More

Are you looking for a particular feature or product functionality in Phonexa? Let us know by emailing