Phonexa 2 minutes read Table of Contents How Exactly It WorksTake the Quiz TodayWhy Is It Important To Concentrate on Fraud Prevention? Phonexa 2 minutes read Ad fraud made advertisers lose insane amounts of money: an astonishing $81 billion in 2022, and the figure keeps growing every year by dozens of percent. And this isn’t good for legitimate affiliates and advertisers, who are always at risk of falling victim to malicious actors. Whether you’re an affiliate or advertiser, it’s crucial to safeguard yourself with the right fraud protection software and general awareness of potential vulnerabilities your marketing model may have and how to close these loopholes. So why don’t you check your fraud prevention skills right now with our Marketing Fraud Prevention Proficiency Quiz? It will surely provide food for thought. Here’s what our Marketing Fraud Prevention Proficiency Quiz can help you with: Your Affiliate Fraud Prevention State: Learn just how good your current fraud protection measures are Your Current Fraud Prevention Proficiency: Get a customised score revealing your knowledge of fraud prevention methodologies. Learn how to fight ad fraud and futureproof your affiliate business. How Exactly It Works The quiz comprises a number of thought-provoking questions regarding affiliate campaign management. Your answers will be scored and analysed, and you’ll get an in-depth review of your fraud prevention system. Combat ad fraud and unlock profitability with clean lead management. Take the Quiz Today Our Marketing Fraud Prevention Proficiency Quiz is a great opportunity for affiliate marketers of all skill levels. Whether you are a new or a pro, the results will provide valuable insight into areas where your fraud prevention defences could be strengthened. Discover the best practices for fraud detection and identity verification. Why Is It Important To Concentrate on Fraud Prevention? Proper fraud prevention secures your affiliate marketing campaigns against loss in profitability and reputation, protecting you from fraudulent activities like domain spoofing, click spam, cookie stuffing, and geo-masking. So here’s what you can do: Limit the impact of attacks by assessing and growing your fraud prevention proficiency Implementing automated fraud detection software that can back up your lead generation and distribution efforts. Phonexa provides unrivalled control over affiliate campaigns for affiliate networks, publishers, and advertisers, and you can get it all in a single eight-in-one software suite. Learn how Phonexa’s third-party offerings help you fight fraud, reduce unnecessary ad spend, and grow your bottom line. Take the Marketing Fraud Prevention Proficiency Quiz now to level up your affiliate marketing game. For more on how Phonexa can support you on this path of success with no fraud, book a free demo Related posts: 3 Ways To Prevent Affiliate Fraud & Safeguard Affiliate Networks Fraud Detection & Identity Verification: Best Practises for E-commerce and Lead Generation Marketer’s Guide to High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing Niches Leaving Ad Fraud Behind: Unlocking Profitability with Clean Lead Management Got Questions? Get in touch! We are available 24/7.